I am very liberal, and urge Democrats to vote, unanimously, to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Allow me to explain.

Our history has almost universally respected the president’s right to fill vacancies to the court. The process should work to block only the most extreme nominees.

On Jan. 20, 1801, after a bitter election in which liberal Jefferson won 67% of the popular vote, conservative President Adams nominated John Marshall to be chief judge of the court. To be fair, the Electoral College was tied, and results of the election weren’t determined until February — after 36 ballots in the House.

Jefferson was apoplectic, fearing the court would destroy his presidency. It didn’t.

John Marshall proved to be considered the greatest Supreme Court judge in history. He presided over a court where the large majority of decisions were unanimous.

To be clear, I literally cried when Ginsburg died — both for the loss, and for the fact that Trump would now create a 66% deep conservative court in our left-of-center country. I cried because Roe is on the block, corporations will gain even more power, the environment will be in peril.


But, like Jefferson, I could be wrong.

The bottom line is this: Regardless of the treachery of McConnell blocking Obama’s court pick, Barrett is a highly competent — and loved — judge. The question the Senate has is simple: is she qualified?

She is. Dems should vote unanimously to seat her, and choose principal over bitterness.

Chris L’Hommedieu, Auburn

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